Build an Automatic Tagger in 200 lines with BOSS

My colleagues and I will be giving a talk on BOSS at Yahoo!’s Hack Day in NYC on October 9. To show developers the versatility of an open search API, I developed a simple toy example (see my past ones: TweetNews, Q&A) on the flight over that uses BOSS to generate data for training a machine learned text classifier. The resulting application basically takes two tags, some text, and tells you which tag best classifies that text. For example, you can ask the system if some piece of text is more liberal or conservative.

How does it work? BOSS offers delicious metadata for many search results that have been saved in delicious. This includes top tags, their frequencies, and the number of user saves. Additionally, BOSS makes available an option to retrieve extended search result abstracts. So, to generate a training set, I first build up a query list (100 delicious popular tags), search each query through BOSS (asking for 500 results per), and filter the results to just those that have delicious tags.

Basically, the collection logically looks like this:

[(result_1, delicious_tags), (result_2, delicious_tags) …]

Then, I invert the collection on the tags while retaining each result’s extended abstract and title fields (concatenated together)

This logically looks like this now:

[(tag_1, result_1.abstract + result_1.title), (tag_2, result_1.abstract + result_1.title), …, (tag_1, result_2.abstract + result_2.title), (tag_2, result_2.abstract + result_2.title) …]

To build a model comparing 2 tags, the system selects pairs from the above collection that have matching tags, converts the abstract + title text into features, and then passes the resulting pairs over to LibSVM to train a binary classification model.

Here’s how it works:

tagger viksi$ python liberal conservative

tagger viksi$ python training_data.txt test_data.txt

__Searching / Training Best Model

____Trained A Better Model: 60.5263

____Trained A Better Model: 68.4211

__Predicting Test Data


____Right: 16

____Wrong: 4

____Total: 20

____Accuracy: 0.800000

get_training_test_set finds the pairs with matching tags and split those results into a training (80% of the pairs) and test set (20%), saving the data as training_data.txt and test_data.txt respectively. autosvm learns the best model (brute forcing the parameters for you – could be handy by itself as a general learning tool) and then applies it to the test set, reporting how well it did. In the above case, the system achieved 80% accuracy over 20 test instances.

Here’s another way to use it:

tagger viksi$ python apple microsoft bill gates steve ballmer windows vista xp


tagger viksi$ python apple microsoft steve jobs ipod iphone macbook


classify combines the above steps into an application that, given two tags and some text, will return which tag more likely describes the text. Or, in command line form, ‘python [tag1] [tag2] [some free text]’ => ‘tag1’ or ‘tag2’

My main goal here is not to build a perfect experiment or classifier (see caveats below), but to show a proof of concept of how BOSS or open search can be leveraged to build intelligent applications. BOSS isn’t just a search API, but really a general data API for powering any application that needs to party on a lot of the world’s knowledge.

I’ve open sourced the code here:


Although the total lines of code is ~200 lines, the system is fairly state-of-the-art as it employs LibSVM for its learning model. However, this classifier setup has several caveats due to my time constraints and goals, as my main intention for this example was to show the awesomeness of the BOSS data. For example, training and testing on abstracts and titles means the top features will probably be inclusive of the query, so the test set may be fairly easy to score well on as well as not be representative of real input data. I did later add code to remove query related features from the test set and the accuracy seemed to dip just slightly. For, the ‘some free text’ input needs to be fairly large (about an extended abstract’s size) to be more accurate. Another caveat is what happens when both tags have been used to label a particular search result. The current system may only choose one tag, which may incur an error depending on what’s selected in the test set. Furthermore, the features I’m using are super simple and can be greatly improved with TFIDF scaling, normalization, feature selection (mutual information gain), etc. Also, more training / test instances (and check the distribution of the labels), baselines and evaluation measures should be tested.

I could have made this code a lot cleaner and shorter if I just used LibSVM’s python interface, but I for some reason forgot about that and wrote up scripts that parsed the stdout messages of the binaries to get something working fast (but dirty). Gets Fresh

Today we have officially released an experimental Fresh tab on the page. Learn more about it here on the delicious blog.

I won’t rehash too much of the delicious blog post as that describes the motivation and idea in detail, but the basic idea was to advance and apply the TweetNews model to the latest stream of delicious bookmarks. The result is what we feel to be a pretty relevant and fresh (updates every minute or so) homepage. Please check it out and bookmark it (no pun intended). Just a simple start to hopefully better surfacing of content on delicious – expect more updates soon.

delicious also greatly advanced its search experience and sharing options in this release. You can learn more about it from the release posts here and soon here.

Yahoo Boss – Google App Engine Integrated

Updated: I see blogs doing evaluations of the Q&A engine. I have to admit, that wasn’t my focus here. The service is merely 50 lines of code … just to demonstrate the integration of BMF and GAE.

Updated: Direct link to the example Question-Answering Service

Today I finally plugged-in the Yahoo Boss Mashup Framework into the Google App Engine environment. Google App Engine (GAE) provides a pretty sweet yet simple platform for executing Python applications on Google’s infrastructure. The Boss Mashup Framework (BMF) provides Python API’s for accessing Yahoo’s Search API’s as well remixing data a la SQL constructs. Running BMF on top of GAE is a seemingly natural progression, and quite arguably the easiest way to deploy Boss – so I spent today porting BMF to the GAE platform.

Here’s the full BMF-GAE integrated project source download.

There’s a README file included. Just unzip, put your appid’s in the config files, and you’re done. No setup or dependencies (easier than installing BMF standalone!). It’s a complete GAE project directory which includes a directory called yos which holds all the ported BMF code. Also made a number of improvements to the BMF code (SQL ‘where’ support, stopwords, yql.db refactoring, util & templates in yos namespace, refactored & optimized, etc.).

The next natural thing to do is to develop a test application on top of this united framework. In the original BMF package, there’s an examples directory. In particular, was able to answer some ‘when’ style questions. I simply wrapped that code as a function and referenced it as a GAE handler in

Here’s the ‘when’ q&a source code as a webpage (less than 25 lines).

The algorithm is quite easy – use the question as the search query and fetch 50 results via the Boss API. Count the dates that occur in the results’ abstracts, and simply return the most popular one.

For fun, following a similar pattern to the ‘when’ code, I developed another handler to answer ‘who’ or ‘what’ or ‘where’ style questions (finding the most popular capitalized phrase).

Here’s the complete example (just ~50 lines of code – bundled in project download):

Q&A Running Service Example

Keep in mind that this is just a quick proof of concept to hopefully showcase the power of BMF and the idea of Open Web Search.

If you’re interested in learning more about this Q&A system (or how to improve it), check out AskMSR – the original inspiration behind this example.

Also, shoutout to Sam for his very popular Yuil example, which is powered by BMF + GAE. The project download linked above is aimed to make it hopefully easier for people to build these types of web services.

Yahoo! Boss – An Insider View

Disclaimer: This is my personal blog. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer.

Boss stands for Build your Own Search Service. The goal of Boss is to open up search to enable third parties to build incredibly useful and powerful search-based applications. Several months ago I pitched this idea to the executives on how Yahoo! can specifically open up its search assets to fragment the market. It’s remarkable to finally see some of the vision (with the help of many talented people) reach the public today.

Web search is a tough business to get into. $300+ Million capex, amazing talent, infrastructure, a prayer, etc. just to get close to basic parity. Only 3 companies have really pulled it off. However, I strongly believe we need to find innovative, incremental ways to spread the search love in order to encourage fragmentation and help promising companies get to basic parity instantly so that they can leverage their unique assets (new algorithm, user data, talent) to push their search solution beyond the current baseline.

Search is all about understanding the user’s intent. If we can nail the intent, then search is pretty much a solved problem. However, the current model of a single search box for everything loses an intent focus as it aims to cater to all people and queries. Albeit, a single search box definitely makes our lives easier, but I have a hard time believing this is the *right* approach.

In my online experience, I typically visit a variety of sites: Techmeme, Digg, Techcrunch, eBay, Amazon,, etc. While on these pages, something almost always catches my eye, and so I proceed to the search box in my browser to find out more on the web. Why do we have this disconnected experience? I think it’s because these sites do not provide web-level comprehensiveness. It’s unfortunate, because the page that I’m on may have additional information about my intent (maybe I’m logged in so it has my user info, or it’s a techy shopping site).

The biggest goal of Boss is to help bootstrap sites like these to get comprehensiveness and basic ranking for free, as well as offer tools to re-rank, blend, and overlay the results in a way that revolutionizes the search experience.

When I’m on, why can’t I search in their box, get relevant results at the top, and also have web results backfill below? I think users should be confident that if they searched in a search box on any page in the whole wide web that they’ll get results that are just as good as Yahoo/Google and only better.

The first milestone of Boss is a simple one: Make available a clean search API that turns off the traditional restrictions so that developers can totally control presentation, re-rank results, run an unlimited number of queries, and blend in external content all without having to include any Yahoo! attribution in the resulting product(s). Want to build the example above or put news search results on a map – go for it!

Here’s a link to the API:

Also, check out the Boss Mashup Framework:

The Boss Mashup Framework in my opinion makes the Boss Search API really useful. It lets developers use SQL like syntax for operating on heterogeneous web data sources. The idea came up as I was working on examples to showcase Boss, and realized the operations I was developing imperatively followed closely to declarative SQL like constructs. Since it’s a recent idea and implementation, there may be some bugs or weird designs lurking in there, but I strongly recommend playing around with it and viewing the examples included in the package. I’m biased of course but do think it’s a fun framework for remixing online data. One can rank web results by digg and youtube favorite counts, remove duplicates, and publish the results using a provided search results page template in less than 30 lines of code and without having to specify any parsing logic of the data sources/API’s as the framework can infer the structure and unify the data formats automatically in most cases.

The next couple of milestones for Boss I think are even more interesting and disruptive – server side services, monetization, blending ranking models, more features exposure, query classifiers, open source … so stay tuned.